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1st Operation Conference in 2021 Was Held Edit Date:2021/05/12

       On 12th May, Secretary of Party Committee and General Manager of GDE, Luo Jun hosted the 1st Operation Conference in 2021 in Conference Hall in Building 6. Lin Lin, CEO, Board Secretary of Haisum Group and Chairman of GDE, and leader team and administrative personnel above middle level of GDE attended the meeting. Operation performance in 1st quarter of 2021 was summarized with existing problem research and following key tasks arrangement in the meeting.

       At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Luo transmitted various spirits of 1st Quarter Operation Conference of Haisum Group and reported the overall performance of GDE in 1st quarter. He mentioned that, by the end of March, performance indicators were steadily growing towards an expected direction but there was difference between the target; all departments of the company should endeavor to accomplish all the targets according to the annual plan. He also stated 4 points of requirements for the following key tasks:

1. Dedication to marketing development

       Expanding domestic and oversea market together to achieve synchronous development; Developing technical advantage and enhancing BIM technology promotion based on optimizing existing business; Continuously developing EPC business and exploring new mode of project management; Exploring new industries.

2. Maintaining capital safety

       Enhancing control of “two funds”to improve fund withdrawal for capital safety.

3. Improving management level

       Further optimizing risk control system, enhancing risk elimination against projects especially large EPC ones and forming a long-term risk control mechanism as soon as possible; building up a sound fundamental management system, regulating and implementing process of operation and approval; enhancing quality management to assure engineering quality; accelerating update of relevant certificates; well preparing before talent recruitment and optimizing talent team according to needs of business as soon as possible to maintain talent advantages.

4. Insisting on safety management

       Earnestly implementing all production safety requirements by the Central, Poly group, Sinolight group and Haisum Group; continuing to make prevention and control against epidemic; executing with high standard various laws and regulations for safety production; strictly implementing responsibility system for production safety; enhancing on-site safety production management; tightening the “security string” all the time to ensure safe and smooth operation of the company.

       During the conference, Mr. Luo, put forward some thinking about the company’s development direction against existing issues. He believed that our country had already entered a new era of historical position; engineering survey and design industry was facing with new challenges and opportunities from a new ecology, new models and a new picture and new challenges and new opportunities with increasingly fierce competition in the industry; our company should be looking for accurate positioning, seeking new development path and direction. He stressed that to move forward, all members of the company must have overflowing work passion and combat effectiveness and cohesion, must be good at thinking, daring to learn and innovation; reform and innovation was the eternal theme of development and only continuous reform and innovation could achieve sustainable development of the company.

       According to the agenda, staff of various engineering departments, BIM center and financial department ,based on the department responsibility, made speeches regarding the operation in the 1st Quarter and the following plan according to the company requirements.

       In the end of the meeting, after listening to the report from Mr. Luo and each department, Chairman Lin made a conclusion. Firstly, she spoke highly of the company leadership, middle management team, employees. She believed that the company was in a critical stage, to seek new development direction and everyone had paid great efforts, especially the company leadership. She emphasized that the company should further increase the investment in talent team construction, and form its own training standards and methods; the construction of professional talent team could not be built in a day thus digging and training various types of talents were really important to provide talent guarantee for the company’s transformation and development; we should always keep up with the pace of national development, always follow up and study national industry development trends and access standards, be good at organically combining the national industry development trend and the company’s transformation needs, timely adjust development thought, and seek new profit mode and opportunities for the company.

       During the conference, 2021 Annual Party Conduct and Government Integrity Construction Responsibility Sheet, Production and Operation Goal Responsibility Sheet and Safety Production Responsibility Sheet were signed by heads of engineering departments, BIM center and other departments.