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Training | 2021 GDE BIM technology Training Ongoing Edit Date:2021/06/01

       Since GDE’s 2021 BIM technology training series officially opened in June, training sessions were undertaken according to schedule.

       On the opening day, General Manager Luo Jun and deputy General manager Jiang Chao attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Luo did a starting speech and he stressed that, the training was the specific measure for vigorous promotion of BIM application; as BIM Centre achieved good results of application for full disciplines and stages in projects, in the next phase of work, all technical personnel were required to participate in the annual BIM technology training, and to further master BIM technology, to create greater value for the company; and at the same time, a better learning platform would be offered by the company for all employees for skill improvement.

       It is known that BIM technology training courses in 2021 are mainly divided into three stages: basic, improving and practice. Participants in each stage were very enthusiastic about learning with full attended seats of each lessons.

       As BIM technology training and promotion were deeply implemented, advance pace of BIM technology application and talent training was accelerated. The professional technical ability and design level of company’s staff will be further enhanced and consolidated, so as to provide customers with better service.

       Attached pictures: