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Project Site Safety Inspection Was Carried out by the company just before “May Day” Edit Date:2021/04/30

       As “May Day” holiday was about to come, to strengthen safety management in the project construction site to identify and control hidden perils, to prevent all kinds of safety accidents, and to ensure steady and consistent safety operation of sites, Secretary of the Party Committee, General Manager Luo Jun, from 27th ~ 30th April, led his delegation to sites, such as general contracting projects in Linxia, Dengzhou etc. and carried out pre-holiday safety inspection together with the owner. Jiang Chao, Deputy General Manager and Hu Jing, Manager of Project Contracting Management Department, Project Safety Manager and relevant project leaders attended the inspection.

       Mr. Luo and his delegation mainly carried out a comprehensive inspection on the implementation of safety management, quality and project schedule, and studied and made arrangement against the difficult problems encountered in the project. The relevant project leaders made a detailed report on the specific progress of the project.

       During the inspection, Mr. Luo pointed out that the safety string in various project sites should be tightened by site personnel and the awareness of the red line and the investigation against potential safety hazards should be effectively strengthened, to ensure safe and civilized construction, as well as zero accident. He required that project teams should strengthen the coordination with project corresponding parties,

       arefully study, comprehensively check key labor, material and machine configuration, increase the intensity of the allocation of resources and on the premise of qualified safety and quality of construction, make sure all key milestones done correctly, smoothly with order and safety, according to project schedule; at the same time, great attention should be paid to quality of project, in each construction element to ensure quality and quantity.