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“Flying Youth and Reserving Initial Heart” Communication Activity of Youth League Edit Date:2018/05/14

       In order to enhance the cohesion among youth staff and lead league member to be positive and to keep their sense of mission , GDE Youth League Committee held a communication activity named “Flying Youth and Reserving Initial Heart” on Five Four Youth Festival in 2018.
       Firstly the Secretary Liu Tao made a working report of the Committee. He summarized the working result in 2017 and the schedule in 2018.
       Then “Youth Hard Studying” activity was held. Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection Xu Lin was invited to give all members a lesson about the Spirit of 19th Congress.

       Leave Ceremony was also held for expired members. All members were reminded of the Oath of Participation. Leave representative Zheng Wenhui shared his thought.
       At last company leader Chen Rongrong made a speech to hope that youth league members shall cherish now, be encouraged to act and be self-improved.