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Touch Nature and Release Mind – Journal of China Southern Botanic Garden Activity by BIM Centre Edit Date:2017/07/05

       Let them “wash their lungs” if you love your staff. In a green weekend in the early summer, BIM Centre organized its staff to China Southern Botanic Garden to “wash their lungs”. Colleagues came here to touch nature and release mind via physical and mental harvest without bother of drawings.
       There were green trees, hills and clear lake in the garden. Gardener used his technique of “Inspiration from Nature” to make 30 types of specialized garden, which are known as “Emerald of Southern China”.
       This day, the sky was quite blue with white cloud. The organizer smartly planned activities such as two treasure hunting games, photography activity “To Let Your Dreams Come True in a Single Run”, Chat up with New Colleagues, Novelty-Seeking Adventure and Grabbing Present.
       The 1st Activity was 6-person group photographing at specified sight point, as below:

       The 2nd activity was finding 5 dragon balls which were spread over the whole garden. The treasure hunting was difficult because it examined not only mental but also physical. Let look at the quest.

       Then the good learners turned on their “Insane Mode” and 5 dragon balls were managed to be found, which was very surprised.

       Enjoy the sight of clear water and green hill and release mind. This activity developed the communication and achieve the cohesiveness among staff and built the foundation of development and culture of BIM Centre – “We are family! ”.