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Ceremony of Ethiopia OMO-KURA 5 Sugar Factory Project Agreement Held in GDE Edit Date:2016/03/31

       On 30th March 2016, the Ceremony of Ethiopia OMO-KURA 5 Sugar Factory Project Agreement was formally held in the 1st Meeting Room in GDE. Jiangxi Jianglian Group C.E.O Ding Jie and GDE General Manager Zhang Qing on behalf of each company signed the design contract. Leaders from both parties such as Board Chairman Fan Xiaoqing, Executive Vice President Zhang Anming and Vice President Fang Sanping from Jianglian Group, Board Chairman Mao Maoxian from Jianglian International Engineering CO., LTD and Chairman Chen Rongrong, Deputy General Manager Xu Lin, Peng Xiaoping and He Weicai from GDE and other staff from both parties attended the ceremony.
       OMO-KURAZ 5 Project locates in Ethiopia OMO Area and is EPCed by Jiangxi Jianglian International Engineering CO., LTD. The total investment is 647 million USD with 2 construction phases. This project is the 4th sugar factory project, which is designed by our company, of Ethiopia Sugar Company. The daily capacity of project is 24000 TCD with one 1500 TCD refinery line and one 4*30 MW cogeneration plant.
       Just before the agreement signature, leaders from both parties processed a kind conversation. Chairman Chen presented his warm welcome to the guests. General Manager Zhang significantly introduced our technology advantages in sugar, alcohol and waste power generation industry as well as our project operation state in China and oversea. In addition, he mentioned our successful engineering cases on which 3D design and P6 project management software had applied. Leaders from Jianglian Group stated that they were willing to keep the long term cooperation relationship with GDE and develop Chinese and oversea market together after learning the advantages of technology and project implementation from GDE during this visit. They also believed that under the national strategy background of “One Belt One Road”, two companies would achieve satisfied result with advantages of each company in engineering aspect.