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Company Arranged Outreach Activity Edit Date:2016/01/13

       On 10th Jan 2016, company administration department arranged an outreach activity with 80 staffs participated. The activity mainly included subjects such as Icebreaking, Group Foundation, Taking Water by Dragon, Directional Cross-country and Energy Ring Experiencing.
       Among the people who joined this activity there were new staffs just entering company and old staffs working with company for years. Initially old staffs might be thought as the dragger to slow down the group. However, dating back to the process, their experience and calmness played an important role.
       During the activity, all people were coordinated and willing to “sacrifice” themselves to the team and this demonstrated their good teamwork. Therefore they encouraged and respected each other. What a warm group! Additionally, there was another special feeling that the team power was really stronger than individuals but when individual made a change it actually pushed the change of team!
       It is believed that the staffs, which joined this activity, can really feel and experience something deeper after this activity. And it is hoped that all of us can work hard together with the mentality of “playing together”.