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Kick-off Meeting of Project Design of San Buenaventura Sugar Plant in Bolivia Edit Date:2012/07/14

On the12th and 13th of July in 2012, the first design department of GDE had a kick-off meeting for the project design of San Buenaventura sugar plant in Bolivia. Around 30 persons from China CAMC Engineering Co.Ltd., the first design department of China GDE Engineering Co.Ltd. and China Machinery Industry Construction Group INC. participate in the meeting, and the leaders of GDE who are in charge of the project attended the meeting and made a speech.

The project of the San Buenaventura sugar plant in Bolivia will be designed to satisfy the production capacity 7000 TCD, 100,000 liters per day for edible alcohol plant, and 15 t/h for the bagasse hydrolysis plant and composting plant. The supporting cogeneration station is made up of two medium-voltage boiler of 120 t/h and two units of turbine-generator of 15 Mw. Recently the EPC of the Project China CAMC Engineering Co.Ltd. has signed the design contract with GDE.

The purpose of this kick-off meeting is to further define the schedule of the basic design and detailed design, the basic principles of building construction and the supporting work of procurement of equipments for the EPC, which will contribute to the smooth progress of the project design.